Monday, May 12, 2008

16 Days of Glory

Bud Greenspan can tell a story. He is able to wrench my heart, make my throat constrict and cause tears to fall from my eyes.

He is the premiere athletic documentarian of our time.

His stories about athletes are more than who won which event. The stories he tells are of human achievements. These achievements are not always about the winners of the competition.

Citius, Altius, Fortius. Latin for Swifter, Higher, Stronger. The olympic motto.

When Bud Greenspan weaves his stories you find the swiftest may finish last, the highest not necessarily the greatest distance from earth and that the strongest may not lift the greatest weight.

His documentaries titled "16 days of Glory" show some of the finest moments in athletic and human history. The 16 are the number of days in each olympiad.

If you get the opportunity I highly recommend viewing his work.

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