This young lady, Tania Derveaux, supports net neutrality. So much so that she has a deal for all who support net neutrality with her. Her website is here
The title has a link to her friends who are making a plea to us the internet, to support freedom and neutrality.
What is net neutrality?
Wikipedia defines it:
Network neutrality (equivalently net neutrality, Internet neutrality or simply NN) refers to a principle that is applied to residential broadband networks, and potentially to all networks. Precise definitions vary, but a broadband network free of restrictions on the kinds of equipment that may be attached, on the modes of communication allowed, which does not restrict content, sites or platforms, and where communication is not unreasonably degraded by other communication streams, would be considered neutral by most observers.
Why all the stir?
The new CEO of Virgin Media, Neil Berkett, has openly stated in an interview that they think net neutrality is “a load of bollocks” and claimed they're already doing deals to deliver some people’s content faster than others. They would then put websites and services that don't pay Virgin in the "slow lane", meaning those sites would load slowly and cause most users to give up using them, feeling forced to use whatever Virgin wants to push through their network.
I support net neurtality. I do not support those who would limit your freedom or mine on the internet.
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