Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Perfect moments

I was thinking about one of the many perfect moments in my life. I am blessed, so there have been many!

When my son Pike was small, in kindergarten, I took him to a concert. It was a live performance by the Steve Miller Band. It was night at the zoo amphitheater. We were sitting on a blanket.

I call it a perfect moment because at some point in the performance, Pike got up and was dancing while singing the song (he had the greatest hits album memorized).

He was totally unselfconscious, totally in the moment, no cares, no worries. Only him and the music. Combined as one for a brief spectacular moment that I will never forget.

It was Perfect.

I was there to witness it.

I want to have more of these moments of perfection. Of equal importance, I want to recognize the moment as perfect.

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